Events & Training

Practical Ultrasound of the Equine Foot and Pastern

This program is a complete guide to diagnostic ultrasound of the pastern and foot region. This lecture will set up the attendee for successful evaluation of all soft tissue structures that can be imaged, with various probes and preparation techniques, including through the frog of the hoof.

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the location and ultrasonographic characteristics of the anatomical structures of the foot and pastern

• Understand how to best prepare patients for foot and pastern ultrasonographic examinations

• Understand common artifacts that may occur and how to avoid them

This program has been approved by AAVSB RACE (program # 1239954) for 1.5 credits.

This program has been approved by AAVSB RACE for 1.5 credits.

Speaker Information

Suzan Oakley, DVM, DACVSMR, DABVP(Eq), Cert. ISELP, CERP
Suzan Oakley, DVM, DACVSMR, DABVP(Eq), Cert. ISELP

Dr. Oakley is a board certified specialist in sports medicine and rehabilitation, and in equine practice. Dr. Oakley is also certified by the International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology. Her practice focuses on lameness and imaging in performance horses and she has a special interest and extensive training in the use of ultrasound for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of sport horse injuries. Dr. Oakley has lectured nationally and internationally on equine musculoskeletal anatomy and ultrasound and shares her advanced proficiency in musculoskeletal ultrasound as an instructor at veterinary ultrasound courses, including ISELP. She is also a courtesy adjunct professor in the Practice Based Equine Clerkship at the University of Florida.

Recorded July 2024 -FREE OF CHARGE-